Autumn Budget 2021 – profession fears NHS funding will bypass dentistry
[ad_1] As Rishi Sunak prepares to announce the Autumn Budget 2021, reports show that £5.9 billion will be earmarked to ...Is Mouthwash Bad for You? Best Mouthwash + Risks and Alternatives
[ad_1] We’ve all seen the commercials — just 30 seconds of swishing mouthwash and your teeth will be whiter, your ...DIY Retainer Cleaner (for Hawley, Metal, & Invisalign)
[ad_1] I’m a huge advocate for using oral healthcare products that are safe, effective and support your health and well-being. ...The value of understanding your patients
[ad_1] Doctify explains why it’s so important to get patient feedback on the running of your dental practice and how ...Tif’s top tips for dentists starting out with clear aligners
[ad_1] Tif Qureshi speaks to Dentistry about starting out with clear aligners and why Suresmile is the most predictable system ...The Damon Ultima System – ‘really exciting to see and experience’
[ad_1] Mike Bicknell and Dwight Damon explain why the Damon Ultima System is such an exciting addition to offer patients. ...