Dental Webinar: The TMJ Foundation & Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders

Presenter: Mark Allan Piper, M.D., D.M.D.
We are so happy to have hosted this amazing free webinar! For those who missed this latest “Watch it Wednesday” live broadcast, we are excited to share with everyone this on-demand video which you can view below. Please bookmark our calendar or subscribe to our emails so you won’t miss any of our future educational events.
This presentation focuses on identifying patients with joint based airway distortion. Post-traumatic TMJ disc displacements may lead to secondary condylar osteochondral growth disturbances and osseous degeneration, resulting in a loss of ramus height and mandibular horizontal projection. Such patients may risk additional joint damage secondary to maxillomandibular advancement surgery and mandibular advancement devices. TMJ instability may be a direct contributor to a chronic relapse in skeletal, occlusal, and airway dimension.
Learning Objectives from this Dental Webinar: