“Digital distancing”is also essential to combat “Corona”



As human life enters an extraordinary new phase ,”Digital distancing” is also critical for Corona(fear)control.Let us make all mobiles into “non-smart mode” for the next 30 days at least . Use TV time judiciously. Just listen to radio for official Govt.Communication.No panic buying. Help the needy. Let the economy shrink considerably and get rid of all the wasted expenditure.

Meanwhile, let us use this lockdown period to find a  “fresh purpose” for a meaningful life. “God will definitely bless us”

The anger of Corona is sure to settle down very soon and will start living with us in complete harmony, like billions of other organisms do.

How far we are from a vaccine?

It is estimated it may take at least a year. Might happen earlier too. There are at least 12 companies working on creating a vaccine. Let us hope breakthrough happens at the earliest

vaccine tracker

