DLN Success Story- Arizona Patient Can Smile Again After Life Changing Injury



Susan, 67, lives alone in central Arizona. Years ago she survived a horrific surfing accident that left her with Myofascial Thoracic Syndrome. As a result of the accident, she has difficulty holding up her neck for long periods of time and has limited use of her arms.

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Susan with Dr. Jeralyn Bowie (left) and her staff

In addition, Susan’s oral health was in poor condition and her teeth had become severely decayed. She often found it painful to eat and difficult to maintain a healthy diet.

Before her accident, Susan was a supervisor at an international law firm. Now she survives on a Social Security Disability benefit and her expenses often exceed her limited income. Unfortunately she could not afford the extensive dental treatment she desperately needed. It seemed she had nowhere to turn for help.

How DDS Helped

Fortunately, Susan was referred to the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program and she was linked with three generous volunteers.

“Dr. Bowie totally saved my life. It was an absolute miracle. I was in so much pain, but now I’m getting ready to try to go back to work. This experience was life-changing!”

-Susan, DDS Patient

“Helping those in the DDS program allows me to work from my own office, schedule donated treatment during a normal workday, utilize my own instruments, and work with dental team members whom I cooperate daily with. The DDS program has been one of the simplest ways I am able to share my knowledge and skills to help those in need.”

-Dr. Jeralyn Bowie, DDS Volunteer

Learn more about volunteering or to learn about DDS in your state, visit our state pages.


The post DLN Success Story- Arizona Patient Can Smile Again After Life Changing Injury appeared first on Dental Lifeline Network.
