DLN Success Story – Iowa Leadership Council Chair Helps Patient Regain Her Smile!



DLN Success Story – Iowa Leadership Council Chair Helps Patient Regain Her Smile! 1

Ann, 67, lives on her own in Coralville with her two rescue dogs. She enjoys spending time with her three children and six grandchildren. Until four years ago, Ann was working as a registered nurse and was a self-proclaimed “go-getter” but now, she is just trying to get her strength back, both physically and mentally.

The last several years have been very difficult for Ann. She has experienced many serious health challenges, including three heart attacks. Ann also underwent three back surgeries and had 35 screws placed in her back. She also has COPD, osteoporosis and survived a severe bout of pneumonia. On top of all of these health problems, Ann was missing many teeth, struggled to eat, and needed help with her dental condition.

Before her health issues began, Ann was working full-time and was very active. Now, she cannot work and is trying to regain her health. She survives on a small Social Security benefit and struggles to make ends meet. Though she had dental insurance, her coverage was very limited and left her unable to afford the treatment she needed.

How DDS Helped

Fortunately, Ann applied to the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program and was linked with two generous volunteers.

  • Dr. Jay Davidson, DLN • IA Leadership Council chair, extracted two teeth, restored three teeth, and donated a three-unit bridge and an upper partial and lower denture.
  • Dental Prosthetic Services, Inc. fabricated the three-unit bridge and an upper partial and lower denture.

“I could have thanked Dr. Davidson a hundred times and it wouldn’t be enough. I can eat! And I feel so much better.”
—Ann, DDS Patient

“With the help of Dental Lifeline Network we were able to get her smile back, not to mention bring her comfort while eating. Being able to see the change in people’s lives, being a volunteer is a no brainer. Money may be a motivator, but gratitude from these people that need us so badly will get you through life!”
—Dr. Jay Davidson, DDS volunteer and DLN • IA Leadership Council Chair

Learn more about volunteering or to learn about DDS in your state, visit our state pages.


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