Double Adventure- Arrowhead Loop Plus Henry Coe



I intended to ride up to Henry Coe State park today on my e-bike but I’d forgotten to top off it’s charge. So while it was plugged in, I rode my Sirrus to Coyote Valley Open Space to do the one and only trail there, which happens to be one of my favorites: the Arrowhead Loop. This is a mostly singletrack trail, so to make it safer for social distancing the County has made it one way:

Double Adventure- Arrowhead Loop Plus Henry Coe 1

It has been hot here lately but the a cool front came in today so it was beautiful. Here’s the view of Coyote valley from the trail in the morning sun:

Double Adventure- Arrowhead Loop Plus Henry Coe 2

This is near the high point of the trail. Loma Prieta, the highest peak in this section of the Santa Cruz mountains at 3790 feet, is visible in the distance past the ridge:

Double Adventure- Arrowhead Loop Plus Henry Coe 3

After finishing the hike and riding home from the open-space. my Trek had its charge, so I was off to Henry Coe. This is quite a climb, as park headquarters is at 2600 feet. I don’t think I could do it with my Sirrus because it is not geared low enough. But it was an easy cruise with an e-bike. Here’s the view at park hq:

Double Adventure- Arrowhead Loop Plus Henry Coe 4

Zooming in you can see the fog clinging to the top of the Gavilan range west of Gilroy. This, and the breeze coming in from the coast, is what kept us cool today:

Double Adventure- Arrowhead Loop Plus Henry Coe 5

Looking more to the south you get a peek at Pinnacles national park in the distance:

Double Adventure- Arrowhead Loop Plus Henry Coe 6

I had originally intended to go hiking at Coe but it was getting too late in the afternoon because of my late start, so I headed back down. The descent down E. Dunne ave from the park is thrilling. This combined adventure took five hours, so I slept pretty well that night.
