Flax Seeds And Weight Loss



Flax Seeds And Weight Loss

Winters are knocking at the door and we are soon going to find a lot of information online as well as offline about healthy diet for winters.

A lot has been said and discussed about flax seeds while discussing healthy diet for winters but I chose to be ignorant about it. It was only when my dietician suggested that I include it in my diet, I tried to learn more about them. The more I learnt the more surprised I was.

Flax Seeds And Weight LossFlax seeds are also called as linseed, Alsi or teesi and can be found at the local grocery stores. It is especially important for a vegetarian like me as it is a rich source of Omega 3 Fatty Acid, has high fiber  content and has important micronutrients.

They are easily available in the form of seeds and oil (remember linseed oil that we use in oil paintings) and have been around us but most of us never noticed it and suddenly everyone is treating it like an exotic ingredient. If you pick any good mouth freshener you would see that it is present there. In fact, if you eat multigrain bread then you all find it there. It adds crunchiness to it and I love it.

flax seeds and weight loss

Now before I go on and on about it, here are some benefits of adding them to your diet

Flax Seeds And Weight Loss (Benefits)

1. High fiber content

Flaxseeds are rich in fiber and including them to the diet helps with the formation of stool. So if you are suffering from IBS or constipation then it is beneficial for you. Make sure that you drink adequate water with it. It absorbs the water and works as a laxative.

Since it has a high fiber content, it adds bulk to the diet and reduces hunger. So when you have flaxseeds you feel full and are consuming fewer calories. This further helps with weight reduction.

Spending on anti-aging creams? Then you may want to replace them with flaxseeds which are cheaper. The flaxseed oil is used in many cosmetic as it makes your face glow and evens out the skin tone. When you eat a teaspoon on flaxseeds daily then it has the oil and other components which together help in the delaying signs of aging. It makes your skin soft and supple so that you look healthy and young.

 flax seeds and lose weight

Regular consumption of flaxseeds makes the nails strong and prevents yellowing.

Flaxseeds are considered to be very good for the joints also. One can grind it and mix a teaspoon in a glass of milk. This can be had before sleeping and helps in reducing joint pain.

Studies have shown that regular intake of this wonder food can lower the risk of cancer and especially colon cancer as it clears the colon. The nutrients present in it also help prevent cancer.

It is beneficial in reducing cholesterol and blood sugar level.

Firms your breast. Yes! It is true. When you have flaxseeds regularly then it strengthens the breast muscles and makes them firm.

If you are craving for sweets or are feeling hungry then you can munch on them. They help reduce cravings.

Regulates menstrual cycle.

There are a lot of other advantages also but these are some of the main benefits that I have noticed as well. Now many of us are not sure how to include it in our diet.  I generally soak a teaspoon of flaxseeds in water at night and have it on an empty stomach the next day. When I forget to soak it I just have it like that and drink a glass of water.

Here are some other ways of including Flax Seeds in your diet-

-Have it as a mouth freshener after a meal.

-Add to morning bowl of cereal

-Mix with salad.

-Include in bread dough and cookies.

-It can also be added to your dosa batter, smoothies, upma.

 flax seeds and quick weight loss


You can have it like this or come up with your own innovative way. Some people prefer to grind and use it but then ground flaxseeds lose their nutritive value faster. You should grind only a little at a time and store it in an airtight jar. Don’t expose it to bright light or sun and store at a dark cool place.

Vegetarians should take up to 2 teaspoons of flaxseeds daily to get the maximum benefit. If you are just starting with it then use a little quantity to ensure that you are not allergic to it. Pregnant women and lactating moms should however consult their doctors before including it in their diet.

Flax Seeds And Weight Loss go hand in hand. Do you agree ?

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