Futuristic cardiology: Fishing a failing heart !
A path-breaking research is coming up from Jhon Paulson school of engineering, Harvard.
It is all about a tiny lab-made bio-hybrid fish that is mechanically engineered with cardiac stem cells. It can generate enough mechanical force that can transform into a biological organ (or assistance)to the heart. Early lab experiments are exciting. We will soon see a stem cell-enriched bio-fish that will dance to the tunes of the cardiac cycle.
(See the video below)
Final message
Will it become real? or a just a grandeur thought?
We have just done Xeno heart transplantation and the mechanistic possibility of a fully functional total artificial heart is always there. Now, let us look forward to this bio-hybrid organism* that will break the ultimate barrier in the biomechanical support for failing hearts.
*Biohybrid organisms, are devices containing biological components.
KEEL YONG LEE ,SUNG-JIN PARK , DAVID G. MATTHEWS et al An autonomously swimming biohybrid fish designed with human cardiac biophysics SCIENCE • 10 Feb 2022 • Vol 375, Issue 6581 • pp. 639-647