Hard Day For Upper and Lower Body



I try to work out hard twice a week for the upper and lower body. A do hard lower one day, hard upper another day, and on Thursdays, I do both. That was yesterday’s workout. It was supposed to get hot again so I got the workout in early. After a warmup, first I did about 30 minutes of Heavyhands walking, then my upper body workout in the garage. Then I went for my ride, and stood up to pedal for 90 minutes, which counts as an aerobic tempo workout. This was enjoyable as it was still cool out. On the way back I did multiple standing intervals for about 30 seconds. These were challenging because I think I was running out of gas, I probably went a bit too hard during the tempo part.

These days my lower body hard day workout consists of this:

  • about 1 hour aerobic standing pedaling or seated on recumbent
  • short intervals: 8x about 30 sec; optional also 8x15sec sprints
  • Strength, conventional: standing on-bike (I put it in a high gear and stand on a short hill)
  • Strength, Isometric deadlift

And my upper body hard day consists of:

  • Heavyhands walking warmup
  • kayak simulator warmup
  • kayak intervals 8×30 secs
  • As many reps as possible of: chest press, row, overhead press, pulldown, double poling with bands, opposing motion to double poling with hand weights, canoe motion with bands, opposing motion to canoe
  • Strength, Isometric 1 rep: plank (work up to 2 minutes), 1 arm chest press, row with bands, shoulder press, pulldown
  • HH walk and/or kayak simulator cooldown

I was pretty tired after all of the above and slept well Thursday night.

Hard Day For Upper and Lower Body 1
Mama turkeys with half grown babies
Hard Day For Upper and Lower Body 2
This was a new path recently put in near Coyote Creek Trail to give motor vehicles access to Santa Clara County Model Air Station, where people fly their radio control planes and copters. It is lightly traveled and makes for a nice packed gravel surface to ride on
Hard Day For Upper and Lower Body 3
Metcalf Power plant on the left, a horse ranch on the right
Hard Day For Upper and Lower Body 4
Some of the residents of the ranch
Hard Day For Upper and Lower Body 5
Interesting rural to urban transition. Just up the road is the Metcalf power grid substation
Hard Day For Upper and Lower Body 6
A few miles later, this nice path on a levee separates Metcalf park from an adjacent artificial lake
Hard Day For Upper and Lower Body 7
View of the lake bed. Because of the drought, the lake has been sucked dry by the water district to replenish the groundwater
