Heart attack symptoms in women and tips to plan a heart healthy diet plan



Heart attack symptoms in women and tips to plan a heart healthy diet plan

Heart healthy diet plan
Heart attack symptoms in women and tips to plan a heart healthy diet plan Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

Top heart attack symptoms in women  

Discomfort, pressure and pain in the chest lasting for a few minutes or more, is a common symptom of heart disease and is visible in women as well as men. Women face slight tightness in their chest quite often but that is often ignored thus making it easily possible for women to get a heart attack without feeling any pain before the attack.   

Heart attack symptoms in women commonly seen are …

  1. Stiffness and discomfort in jaws, neck, shoulders, back, and pain above the stomach 
  2. Trouble in breathing smoothly 
  3. Pain in the left arm or may be in both of the arms.  
  4. Nausea, light headedness, dizziness and sweating  
  5. Heartburn and fatigue     

Though the above symptoms might not be as noticeable as the piercing chest pain. This pain is often a result of artery blockages among women. which shows up among women usually show up while resting especially when they are in an upsetting emotional state. 

Risks of heart attacks in women  

Cardiovascular issues in women having higher cholesterol levels, higher blood pressure, and obese are seen to be more common. There are other risk factors too like: 

  • Stress
  • Depressed mind
  • Diabetes 
  • Inactivity and Menopause 
  • Genetic heart disorders
  • Inflammatory conditions 

Tips for lifestyle changes to prevent heart attacks 

Do we need to reiterate that leading a healthy lifestyle is always the only way to stay away from the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

  • Quitting smoking and Avoid alcohol,
  • Exercising regularly
  • Manage stress and fatigue
  • Choose healthy diet. 

Well, now here is the most important tip to choose healthy foods like green vegetables, fruits and organic whole foods. It is very important to avoid sugar and salt content in foods. Foods with high-fat increases cholesterol levels, causing heart attack risk.   

Exercising for 30 minutes per day and keeping an active physical routine is always beneficial for heart. Little changes in daily lifestyle can make a lot of difference.

Heart healthy diet plan

  • Early Morning

pomegranate and a glass of coconut water

  • Breakfast

Mixed veg poha with sprouts with tea or milk

  •  Mid morning

Buttermilk with sugar free wholegrain biscuits

  • Lunch

Brown rice with dal and vegetable raita

  • Evening Tea

unsalted makhana with green tea

  • Dinner

Multi-grain rotis with cauliflower / cabbage vegetable

  • Before sleep

A cup of turmeric milk

It is a fact that an average heart works all the time beating around 1,00,000 daily. It is very important to have a balanced diet with right amount of vitamins, protein, unsaturated fats, minerals and carbohydrates through whole foods to keep the body doing its job. A planned diet chart helps in improving the quality of healthy food to stay away from foods causing heart disease. A planned diet helps to reduce eating out and ordering unhealthy foods. So hope you liked this post regarding Heart attack symptoms in women and tips to plan a heart healthy diet plan.
