How To Lose Weight For Life



How To Lose Weight For Life

Heya Everyone,

We all know how important is this post for anyone who wishes to remain fit and healthy with ideal weight throughout life.

This is a content-heavy post, please bookmark and make sure that you go through it in depth. You may ask why! This post revises all the concepts of clean eating and busts a few nutrition myths so that you can lose weight and keep it off for life. It is a tough task to lose weight and toughest to maintain the same for years!

How To Lose Weight For Life

indian weight loss blog challenge

Let’s begin –

Foods that Aid Weight Loss

I have been reiterating the fact any raw food is best for health. However, there are certain foods that especially aid weight loss because of their properties. The foods that target belly fat are listed here, here, here and here.

Did you read about negative calorie foods? These foods force the body to burn more calories for their digestion as compared to the calories that they contain. Adopt more negative calorie foods in your meals. Eat more and lose more :). Read about them here.

There are a few foods that cause overall weight reduction, read here. Certain Indian food that exists in your kitchen which can do wonders for your weight are listed here and here.

Important Meals of the Day

Breakfast and Dinner hold utmost importance in weight loss.  Choose these meals wisely, here are the breakfast and dinner options. If you are eating out, choose your food smartly! If you are hungry at midnight, try these.

The other two important meals are Post-workout and Pre-workout meals that would make a difference in your energy levels, fat burning and muscle building. Weight loss supplements are also equally important.

How To Lose Weight For Life

Superfoods/Fibre Rich Foods/Antioxidants

These foods you won’t consume if you see no benefits :P. Since these foods have nutrition values that surpass the rest, it’s important to include them in your meals for life. These are Brown rice, Brocolli, Lemongrass, Kale, Beetroot and Nuts

Flax seeds, Chia seeds, Psyllium Husk and Quinoa have been much raved about for weight loss properties.

Nutrition Myths and Marketing Lies

Nutrition is a Big and Dirty business! There are foods that we eat and become fat but that’s a trend you see! We gotta look happening! Some of you may feel that they are health-conscious people and opt for healthy food. Wait a minute, are you sure your so-called healthy foods are actually healthy? read here.

Nutrition Concepts Revisited

  • Control your food cravings.
  • If you are human, diet plays a more important role in weight loss than work out. You cannot exercise a bad diet, period!
  • Take care of your gut, that’s where the food is digested!

See you soon! Happy Friday 🙂

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