Indian Vegetarian GM Diet-Day Four



Indian Vegetarian GM Diet-Day Four

Hello All,

Happy Thursday 🙂 How is your Lockdown going? Now that it is more open everywhere with lesser restrictions, it is all the more important that we stay more at home to avoid unnecessary risk.

Well, I am being open and frank…. Nope I am finding it difficult to continue. 😛 I am so looking forward to ending this diet soon. Many of you would agree, that it’s a tough diet, I can’t agree more!

Diabetic patients and feeding mothers have asked me queries about this Indian Vegetarian GM Diet, and I have suggested them not to follow this diet. Read on to know why !

My Experience with Indian Vegetarian GM Diet-Day Four

Indian Vegetarian GM Diet – Day Four is a Banana + Milk day. You can have as many as 8-10 bananas and have a glass of skimmed milk every meal.  But I no likey Banana 🙁

My breakfast comprised of 3 bananas and a glass of warm milk. You must be thinking I eat so much :P. The bananas that I ate were tiny ones. I also had an apple when I felt 3 bananas did no good.

Indian Vegetarian GM Diet-Day Four

For Lunch, I had 2 glasses of banana shake (3 banana + milk). Aaah, this was a better way to eat Banana ! Till evening , I faced no issues. Later, I felt dizzy as if I was going to faint. My energy levels dropped to zero ! Now you know why patients and feeding mothers should not follow this diet.

For dinner, i did not want to take any chances with my health. So, i had an omlette of 3 Eggs, followed by a green tea. I felt much better after dinner. I did have a banana after dinner, blame my late night craving.

My water intake was about 3 litres. I had 2 cups of tea, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Weight Loss after Indian Vegetarian GM Diet-Day Four

I am going to weigh myself on Friday , stay tuned 🙂

In case you have missed the previous post on this series, you can read about Indian Vegetarian GM Diet here , my Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 experiences here , here and here.

 Have you tried Indian Vegetarian GM Diet ?

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