New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 159
Research of the Week
Machiavellian and sadistic people are less likely to be members of frats or sororities; narcissistic people are more likely.
Teaching your kids that the world is a bad place is bad for your kids.
Rabbits show great promise as small-scale meat animals.
More nature contact, less loneliness.
Women suffered fewer high heels-related injuries during the pandemic.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Episode 12: Crohn’s, Acne, Hormones, and Health—Unique Hammond Shares Her Journey
Primal Health Coach Institute: David Lindsay.
Primal Health Coach Institute: A year in review.
Media, Schmedia
A microchip brain implant allows a paralyzed man to send a Tweet.
Beef prices are way up but ranchers aren’t making extra money.
Interesting Blog Posts
What happens in Denisova Cave…
Social Notes
Get ready for Keto Month.
Changing Chinese eating habits.
Everything Else
Imagine the sound.
CDC recommends shorter isolation periods.
People tend to escalate the situation in nuclear war simulations.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Interesting paper: Brain insulin sensitivity and fat distribution.
Clear conclusion: Donuts good.
Bizarre: COVID strikes remote Antarctic science lab despite everyone being vaccinated and isolated.
True in every creature: We all have our roles.
Hilarious: Man seeking positive COVID test to avoid spending holidays with relatives.
Question I’m Asking
What do you think the new year will bring?
Recipe Corner
- Roast pork shoulder, skin on, Thai style.
- Beef masala curry.
Time Capsule
One year ago (Dec 25 – Dec 31)
- 11 Questions to Ask Yourself at the Start of the New Year — Ask away.
- Pros and Cons of Different Forms of Magnesium— All about magnesium.
Comment of the Week
“Re analog vs digital:
At its root, Things feel right when we align with nature and feel wrong when we don’t. (That’s because of our evolution).
We know Intuitively, with “gut feelings”, with all of our senses, body, and intellectually (if we pay attention), that pollution, plastics, blue light and sitting still all day, don’t feel as good as natural substances and activities that have interaction with nature as its basis.”-I agree Tuffy.
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