New Training Objective



My objective in my training for the past couple of months had been focusing on being ready for the Bay Area Senior Games time trial. This meant more relatively short but more intense training like longer intervals. It was going well, until I went to register for the time trial, which I thought was coming up in May. I found it had been postponed to next fall, because it is being used to qualify for the national Senior games. So I thought fine, I’ll just find another TT in that same time period. TTs used to be plentiful in this area, but I was not successful in finding one. Time to refocus. It’s just as well, training books talk about not “peaking” too early. If I’m going to ride a good TT in the fall, I should be doing the targeted-training for it more over the summer.

New Training Objective 1
An Old Guy Going Hard in a Time Trail- what could be more inspirational?

So for the next few months I’ve decided to go back to higher volume and slightly less intensity. I still do short intervals and strength training a couple of times a week to not lose the “high end” but I’m now running or hiking 2 to 3 hours or so a couple of days a week, with one longer day of up to 4 hours. It always helps to have something to focus on, so I decided I’ll do a metric century some time late spring or so -that’s a 100 km (62 mile) bike ride.

I’m also concentrating a lot on kayak and canoe training because paddle season will be back soon. Lake Vasona in Los Gatos starts renting out canoes and kayaks in April. I figured out a way to get there on safe back roads with my electric assist bike. There and back on the bike plus paddling in between will count as one of my 4 hour days. I’ve been training with my canoe and kayak trainer in my garage. It’s been going great, better than it has felt in years, now that my rotator cuff is all healed.

New Training Objective 2
Kayaking at Vasona

So far I’m really enjoying this training. I find if I go on a lower intensity ride or hike for a couple or 3 hours, I’m less sore afterwards then if I go harder for shorter. I can even get away with throwing in the short intervals at the end without feeling beat up afterwards.
