No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars
Sharing this quick and healthy no-bake snack recipe: almond butter chocolate oat bars! They take less than 10 minutes to put together and make an awesome gluten-free snack.
Holler to all of the moms out there cooking 18 meals per day and cleaning up each time. In the morning, I like to drink my collagen coffee and wake up for a bit while I make the girls’ breakfast. I finish cooking everything, make a little something for myself a bit later, clean up the damage, and then it’s, “Hey mom…” cook, clean, repeat the rest of the day. I feel like the kiddos grow so much over the summer and are constantly snacking and hungry! (All the fresh air and swimming will do it to ya.) I’m trying to keep the fridge and pantry as stocked as possible and also have healthy options that they can grab themselves.
Different types of fruit, “baby cheese” (the little Babybel cheeses), energy balls, veggies with dip, bagels with cream cheese, yogurts, trail mix, cereal, and jerky have been some of their staples. And bars. SO MANY BARS. I’ll buy three boxes and within a couple of days – gone. I decided to try making bars just to have as backup and to switch up the usual rotation.
I had some little helpers in the kitchen and they can attest to the fact that these bars are amazing. They’re not too sweet, slightly chewy, very chocolatey, and give a great dose of whole grains, fiber, and healthy fats.
No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars
Here’s the quick and easy recipe if you’d like to give them a try!
Are your kiddos snacking machines right now, too? What are some of your go-to snack options? I’m always looking to switch things up!
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No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars

Sharing this quick and healthy no-bake snack recipe: almond butter chocolate oat bars! They take less than 10 minutes to put together and make an awesome gluten-free snack.
3 tablespoons of butter (or vegan substitute)
2–4 tablespoons of coconut sugar (you can also use brown sugar. Add more if you like your bars on the sweeter side)
1/2 cup almond milk
1 1/2 cup gluten-free oats
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons chia seeds
3 oz creamy, unsalted almond butter
2 oz chocolate chips
- In a large pot, heat the butter on medium until melted. Stir in the coconut sugar, almond milk, chia seeds, and oats, and cook until slightly softened, 3-5 minutes.
- Remove from heat and add the cinnamon, salt and vanilla.
- In a small bowl, heat the almond butter and chocolate chips for 30-45 seconds and stir to combine. The chocolate chips should be melted and the mixture should be smooth.
- Place parchment paper on the bottom of an 8×8 baking dish. Add 1/2 the oat mixture and press down. Drizzle 3/4 of the almond butter chocolate mixture on top and use a spatula to cover. Press the remaining oat mixture on top and drizzle with the remaining almond butter chocolate mixture.
- Set in the fridge to harden, about 1-2 hours. Store covered in the fridge!
These little guys can be a bit crumbly! Make sure to store them in the fridge to keep their bar shape.
Feel free to use peanut butter or your favorite nut butter instead of almond!
Add in dried fruit or any other mix-ins you would like.
Have a great day and I’ll see ya in the morning with my fave classes from the Peloton app.
The post No-bake almond butter chocolate oat bars appeared first on The Fitnessista.