Pumpkin Pie Protein Bowl (gluten-free, vegan)



A delicious and healthy high protein breakfast option that tastes like pumpkin pie! It’s gluten-free, vegan, and an awesome breakfast for busy mornings.

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a lovely morning. I’m really looking forward to shaking my legs out with a hike this afternoon and enjoying Taco Tuesday with the fam. For today’s post, I wanted to re-share this tasty and healthy fall treat. It’s like pumpkin pie in a bowl and one of my favorite fall breakfast options. Please let me know if you give it a try!

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Bowl

Pumpkin pie smoothie bowl - high protein, vegan, gluten-free | fitnessista.com

I also had an awesome pumpkin protein bowl, and thought I’d share the recipe with ya, since it’s perfect for the fall season. (Or any season when you’re someone like me and stock up on canned pumpkin before it’s gone. Pumpkin bread in July? YAS.)

This little protein bowl is not only packed with protein, it tastes like pumpkin pie in a bowl. The granola on top gives it an awesome crunch, and it’s even better with a spoonful of coconut whip.

Pumpkin pie smoothie bowl - high protein, vegan, gluten-free | fitnessista.com

This smoothie also has not one, but TWO vegetables in it: pumpkin (obvs),


and frozen cauliflower.

frozen cauliflower

Smoothie with Frozen Cauliflower

If you’ve been scared to try cauliflower in your smoothie, I totally get it. I was, too.

Finally I gave it a whirl a couple of months ago, and now almost all of my smoothies have frozen cauliflower or peeled zucchini inside. It’s such an easy way to add in bonus nutrients, plus it gives it a creamy texture without dramatically affecting the sweetness or flavor.

Pumpkin pie smoothie bowl - high protein, vegan, gluten-free | fitnessista.com

I used 1/3 cup frozen cauliflower in this recipe, but feel free to use less if it’s your first time! I don’t think you’ll even notice it’s there.

Here’s the recipe if you’d like to give it a try!

Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie Bowl Recipe


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Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie Bowl

pumpkin pie smoothie bowl


  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/3 cup (or less!) frozen cauliflower
  • 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup (more if you want it sweeter)
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1/3 cup ice
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • 3/4 cup – 1 cup almond milk (depending on how thick you want it)

Optional Toppings

  • Granola
  • Dried Cranberries
  • Coconut Whip


  1. Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.
  2. Pour into a bowl, and top with your favorite granola and/or dried cranberries + coconut whip.

Did you make this recipe?

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I used the cranberry Purely Elizabeth granola, and it was the perfect complement to the pumpkin pie flavor of the smoothie. This is the protein powder I used.

High-protein pumpkin pie smoothie bowl! This has hidden cauliflower in it -it sounds weird but I promise it's good- for bonus nutrients. It's super filling, tastes like pumpkin pie, and is an awesome breakfast option. fitnessista.com




What’s the most random thing you’ve ever put in your smoothie?

More of my favorite pumpkin recipes:

These flourless pumpkin chocolate chip bars (one of my favorite blog recipes ever)

Pumpkin oatmeal bake (making this one this week!)

Pumpkin chocolate chip baked breakfast cookies

Pumpkin protein balls

Pumpkin cornbread

Paleo pumpkin pie brownies (brownie on the bottom; pumpkin pie on the top!)

The post Pumpkin Pie Protein Bowl (gluten-free, vegan) appeared first on The Fitnessista.
