Remembering Emily | May We Strive to Live Like You



Remembering Emily | May We Strive to Live Like You 1

It is with great sadness we share that Emily Garnett, a true star in the WEGO Health Patient Leader Network, has passed away.

Just earlier this month, during our Patient Leader Advisory Board meeting, Emily reported feeling better for the first time in her long metastatic breast journey. We were all hopeful, but unfortunately, cancer has a mind of its own.

Her husband, Christian, shared the heartbreaking news but one specific part stood out to me. He said, “We are on the cusp of so many great things, and if Emily has taught us anything, it is to push, to reach, to strive for more, for better. But it will take commitment, dedication, and resources.”

These words could not be more true. Emily was a fierce patient leader and used every ounce of energy she had, even after the chemo, to fight for change in her community. She was raw and honest, showing the realities of a cancer journey all while ensuring smiles and laughter along the way.

Aside from sitting on our WEGO Health Patient Leader Advisory Board, she was a member of Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance’s Patient Advocate Advisory Group, an ambassador for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and her writing had been published by Women’s Media Center,, CURE Magazine, and a number of others.

Emily refused to let cancer get in the way of her mission. She once shared, “Despite being composed of mostly tumor at this point, I continue to blog, podcast, and talk everyone’s ear off about the need for research, advocacy, and a better understanding of metastatic cancer.”

Her efforts did not go unnoticed, as our community selected her as the winner of the 2020 WEGO Health Awards Rookie of the Year award.

Emily was truly a beacon of light for so many, hear what fellow community members have shared in their nominations during the WEGO Health Awards:

“Emily is amazing at bridging the gap of all breast cancer patients. She creates a safe space for dialogue for talking about metastatic breast cancer and all cancers. Emily is brave, approachable, knowledgeable, strong, and most importantly real.”

“The Intersection of Cancer and Life,” hosted by Emily, is an inspiring, engaging, and insightful podcast that is truly a pleasure to listen to. Emily establishes a strong rapport and relationship with her guests. Through a true conversation, she allows them to share their journey. I nominate her without any reservations.”

“Before Emily’s metastatic breast cancer diagnosis, she was a powerhouse elder law attorney and passionate community advocate. Now, she’s breaking all kinds of records for her powerhouse online presence and passionate community advocacy related to women living — and thriving — with MBC.”

“Emily is an amazing young wife and mother living with metastatic breast cancer who works tirelessly to support and educate women in the breast cancer community. She openly shares her story – victories and struggles – on her blog and podcast. It’s moving to say the least. She has also given other women a platform for sharing their stories.”

Thank you Emily for every contribution you made while you were on this earth and for sharing your story in such a raw, authentic way. We can all rest assured that her legacy will live on for years and years to come.

May we all do as Christian suggested and learn from our fellow patient leader. We must continue to push, reach and strive for more. Do it for you, for your communities, and for Emily.

Remembering Emily | May We Strive to Live Like You 2

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