The Positive Effects of Exercise on the Body
Moving your body is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. Daily activity, whether it’s light or strenuous, impacts nearly every aspect of your body in a positive way. From your bones and muscles to your mental health and mood, to your brain function and skin health, it can improve it all. Consistent exercise is the key to living a longer, healthier, and happier life.
It’s no secret exercise is the remedy most often recommended to help ease and prevent ailments. It benefits nearly every aspect of the body, often in more ways than one.
- Improve Mood – During exercise, the body releases endorphins which are known to improve your mood. Endorphins can help induce a feeling of relaxation and curb feelings of stress.
- Increase Energy – Exercise gives you added energy so you can be productive throughout your day. Regular movement can help combat chronic fatigue and other illnesses.
- Reduce Anxiety and Stress – Consistent physical activity has been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and help with depression.
- Think More Clearly – Regular physical activity promotes circulation which allows the brain to function faster and better. It can cause the hippocampus to grow, improving memory and cognitive function.
- Sleep Soundly – Regular physical activity can help the body’s circadian rhythm become more structured. It often helps people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
- Reduced Risk of Heart Disease – Strengthening your heart through cardiovascular exercise helps reduce the risk of heart disease. It can reduce blood pressure and combat high cholesterol, heart attacks, and coronary heart disease.
- Improved Lung Capacity – Consistent anaerobic activity can strengthen the lungs, improve oxygen intake, and help prevent shortness of breath.
- Better Digestion – Physical activity helps blood circulate to the digestive organs, which helps move food through the digestive tract without any additional stress on the organ.
- REGULATES BLOOD SUGAR & INSULIN – Exercise lowers blood sugar and helps insulin function properly. It can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndromes.
- STRENGTHENS BONES AND MUSCLES – Physical activity slows the loss of bone density as we age and reduces the risk of breaking bones. Strong muscles are important for maintaining proper alignment, physical strength, and good posture.
- Clear, Growing Skin – Skin is affected by the amount of oxidative stress in your body. During exercise, the body produces antioxidants that help fight off this stress, resulting in better, healthier looking skin.
- Relieve Chronic Pain – Regular physical activity can help reduce discomfort caused by chronic pain, and other conditions like fibromyalgia. It’s been known to raise pain tolerance and decrease the perception of pain.
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