Top 10 | Hilarious Patient Leader



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The 2019 WEGO Health Awards turned out to be our biggest celebration yet! With over 6k nominations and 130k endorsements, we were able to celebrate more Patient Leaders than ever before.

The program celebrates the top 5 finalists in each of the 15 WEGO Health Awards categories, but with so many nominations, it’s nearly impossible to shine a bright light on all these deserving nominees! In hopes of recognizing even more nominees, we’ve compiled the Top 10 Patient Leaders in each category based on community endorsements.

WEGO Health Awards Hilarious Patient Leader Award

Advocacy doesn’t have to be all business and raising awareness doesn’t have to be all work. The truly funny Patient Leaders among us bring a lightness to the online health community. They address serious subjects with humor – and we love them for it. They may be witty, sharp, dry, or just have a way to tell a story that is truly funny.

Whether you’re looking for a dose of daily laughter or hoping to connect with new Patient Leaders in the space, take a moment to meet and follow the Top 10 Hilarious Patient Leaders of the online health community.


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Double Baggin’ It | IBD Patient Leaders

2019 Hilarious Patient Leader Award Winner

Danielle Gulden and Joe Teeters are IBD warriors and permanent ileostomates. They’re comedians, speakers, advocates and Two Best Friends without Buttholes! Joe and Danielle met through an ostomy support group and realized that they not only had a similar health journey, but also shared the same sense of humor and positive outlook on life. They became best friends, and soon after, Double Baggin’ It was born! DBI is their vehicle to spread awareness and advocate for patients living with inflammatory bowel diseases and ostomies. Danielle and Joe use their humor, wisdom, and stories to connect with and support other people living with ostomies and Inflammatory Bowel Disease! They believe in the power of humor, advocacy and awareness!

Learn more about Double Baggin’ It and follow the WEGO Health Awards winners now.

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Myisha Malone | Crohn’s Disease Patient Leader

2019 Hilarious Patient Leader Award Finalist

“I became an advocate after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and than diagnosed with crohn’s disease in 2016 I almost lost my life twice due to this horrible disease I believe that everyone needs someone they can count on to help them through this tough tile being newly diagnosed or a professional patient accurate information is key with my support group on facebook @gmaeofcrohnsandchronicillness my goal is to raise awareness as much as possible so no one feel as alone as i felt when i was first diagnosed i love being an advocate for others”

Stay up to date with Myisha and her advocacy.

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Kimberly Elayyne | Ankylosing Spondilitis Patient Leader

2019 Hilarious Patient Leader Award Finalist

“I knew that I couldn’t be the only one experiencing this so I decided to make a change the best I could. I began being an advocate in 2016 when life hit me hard. The only thing I knew how to do that saved me from the pain, was to encourage others. I want to leave this world and people better than I found it.”

Follow Kimberly on social.

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Naunie Harris | Chronic Pain Patient Leader

2019 Hilarious Patient Leader Award Finalist

“I’m a 19 year old nursing student and worship leader! I have been diagnosed with multiple chronic illness’s since I was 11 and have had 12+ procedures. I have a feeding tube so I guess you could say i’m a “cheap date”! I’m currently in nursing school online as well as writing a book to be released in 2020. I share my journey through social media with humor and how being sick has changed my view on life!”

Add Naunie’s hilarious voice to your feeds.

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Psoriatic Pstandup | Psoriasis Patient Leader

2019 Hilarious Patient Leader Award Finalist

“Psoriasis is a serious disease, but that doesn’t mean we have to take ourselves too seriously!
My name is Chris, and my wife and I founded Psoriatic Pstandup in 2016. I use humor to relate to others with psoriatic disease.”

You don’t want to miss out on this funny approach to advocacy!

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Nicole Sigur | Cystic Fibrosis Patient Leader

“Hey there! Nicole, otherwise known as @cystic4real or “gross she’s coughing a lot”. Cystic Fibrosis patient and advocate. Double lung transplant recipient 6/14/19. 5 foot with male lungs; sorry gentlemen, I’m taken. Married 6/1/19 to best IT guy ever (if you had any question that I’m a multitasker). Mixed raced mamas girl; Ravenclaw; Capricorn. Self proclaimed comedian.”

Find out more about Nicole and add her to your feeds.

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Bev ‘YumaBev’ Ribaudo | Parkinson’s Disease Patient Leader

“I have had Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease (PD) for 20+ years and use laughter and humor to treat myself and educate others about PD. I write a blog called Parkinson’s Humor and also authored a book with the same title (available on Amazon.) I write and perform PD song parodies, even though I know I can’t sing!”

Join YumaBev in laughing at Parkinson’s.

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Ken Taylor | Chronic Pain Patient Leader

Ken Taylor is a caregiver for his wife who lives with multiple chronic pain conditions. Ken is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and vice-president of the International Pain Foundation. He is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author on pain topics, graphic designer, and reality personality.

This funny caregiver is someone you’ll want to add to your feeds!

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Keeya Steel – Hell’s Bells and Mast Cells | Chronic Illness Patient Leader

“When you become allergic to chocolate, alcohol, and sunshine, you absolutely learn to cope through humor. Hell’s Bells and Mast Cells is a blog and collection of memes raising awareness about chronic illness, disability, and mast cell disease. Sometimes my humor is as dry as my eyeballs after three Zyrtec. I also am diagnosed with EDS and POTS, but I don’t want to come across as a show off.”

Click here to follow this hilarious advocate.

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@TheCancerPatient | Cancer Patient Leader

While cancer is no joke, @Thecancerpatient uses social media provides a funny and therapeutic way to look at the cancer journey. His content is relatable to cancer patients and survivors of all types and stages as well as caregivers and medical providers. This satirical look at life as a cancer patient offers necessary moments of laughter along the cancer journey.

Add some laughter to your feed by connecting with @TheCancerPatient.


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The post Top 10 | Hilarious Patient Leader appeared first on WEGO Health.
