Top 5 natural appetite suppressors you need for weight loss



Top 5 natural appetite suppressors you need for weight loss

What is weight loss for you? From looking good to regaining health, weight loss has varied meaning for every individual. Whatever might be the reason, weight loss in itself is all about the balance between number of calories consumed and burnt. If you eat more calories than required, you end up gaining weight thus the need is to try eating those foods that suppress the appetite in a natural manner. So if you wish to lose weight, you must know about the top 5 natural appetite suppressors you need to lose weight. 

Top 5 natural appetite suppressers you need for weight loss
Top 5 natural appetite suppressors you need for weight loss Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

let us know what you need to consume whenever you feel hungry while on your weight loss journey.

Best 5 natural appetite suppressing foods you must take seriously…


 Isn’t it the most heard advice these days? Rightly so as you need to start your day with a glass of water, lukewarm in winters and room temperature in summers. If you have weight loss on your mind then water which is a zero calorie drink is perhaps the best appetite suppressing tip you will ever need. Drinking water becomes more important if you crave for something that is going to harm your weight loss efforts or when you realize that you have eaten enough yet your stomach isn’t full. That is the moment you need to think about having a glass of water. Drinking water at these moments distracts and deceives the brain into thinking of the tummy as full.

2. Oatmeal

Oats in the breakfast is a great way to start your breakfast. It can be had with milk or added to your bowl of curd. Oh, btw did you checkout the recipe of oats halwa that we had shared with you all? If not, then you can read it here.

Oatmeal is fiber-rich thus makes your tummy feel full faster with a load of good carbohydrates.  These are good carbs that burn slowly making you feel satiated thus less hungry. Being low on the glycemic index, oatmeal is the best breakfast for diabetics.

 3. Green tea

Green tea can be a great way to freshen you up while at work. A handful of almonds with a cup of freshly brewed green tea not only keeps you full till lunch but can be a good supplement for your healthy skin. Green tea stimulates hormones that control food cravings along with being a natural fat burner.

4. Salads

Let us talk about pre lunch and the best starter is tossing up a few slices of cucumber, tomato, onion along with apple in a simple salad with lime juice and rock salt dressing. A high fibre salad delays the glucose rush in the bloodstream and help in keeping you full for longer than usual. Adding apple slices to your salad is a great idea to elevate the taste of your simple salad as apples are low calorie and low fat food. The high fiber content of apple keeps you feel full for a longer period of time preventing overeating.

 5. Low calorie home made soups

Soups are considered excellent appetite suppressor being high in water content. Being low calorie, soups also aid in weight loss but remember here we are talking about the low calorie home made soups of seasonal vegetables. Due to the low-calorie content vegetable soups and broths can be the best options if you are thinking about weight loss. How about trying to go for a mug of clear vegetable soup made at home by adding a spoonful of your favorite lentil! And yes, remember to eat your soup well. How about adding some chopped veggies to it for that crunch in your mouth? Here is an easy soup recipe you can enjoy at home for dinner.

I am sure you must be knowing a lot more about top 5 natural appetite suppressors you need for weight loss but if you have any ideas or suggestions about the same, you can contact us here on mail


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