Two simple papers that will fetch you a Nobel prize in Medicine or Economics instantly for sure !



This article from Mr. Arun Maira,(The Pakistan-born British Indian ex-planning commission member) is a real eye-opener on the way we have understood science. All socially conscious scientists must-read. (If properly appreciated, the 15 minutes  you are going to spend on this is worth the time of one full semester in a top-notch university)

Two simple papers that will fetch you a Nobel prize in Medicine or Economics instantly for sure ! 1

Nowadays, Noble prizes are given for some soul-searching simple researches.It is heartening to note the shift, Complex research methodology is looked down on, especially in economics. Contributors of simple observational studies bordering on forgotten common sense are rewarded. (Incidentally, this year’s physics prizes also is meant for finding faultlines in working models of climate change) .It all points to good times for true science, ie we have started to question the foundations of research models and epistemological purity of knowledge.

Very soon, major global awards are waiting for the Innocuous looking amateurish research that is willing to expose trivia and the flawed understanding of science itself. This has major Implications in my own terrain of medical science, a fragile scientific art that is dangling between facts and fakes, uncertainties of nature & certainty of greedy monetization, social inequalities, and finally the stupidity of half-baked knowledge.

I strongly believe the following two concepts if proven properly deserve the Nobel prize in medicine or economics with a huge Implication for humankind.

1. In the global health care delivery, nurses and para-medical health workers have a multi-fold positive impact on universal health goals than the highly specialized doctors, who are at best have a minuscule role. There should be intensive restudy of their actual requirements and redefining  doctor vs nurse vs population ratio (What a big revelation,  even a novice can say this, but that is exactly  is the reason which makes it eligible for the Nobel award)

2. Specific treatment modalities are either lacking or trail behind the hyped-up diagnostic methods for a good number of illnesses. This makes them not only redundant but also malignantly consume the bulk of the cost of the global health economy without a real purpose. What is the big deal of accurately diagnosing and labeling a disease if there is no treatment? (Typical example in recent times,100s of millions of costly RTPCR tests are Indiscriminately used  for an incurable self behaving pandemic)

Who is willing to do the above studies? I wish WHO can sponsor this. Research questions, methods, statistics, and even conclusions are ready with 100% accuracy, I am sure, it will withstand any rigorous scientific scrutiny. Though Tom, Dick  & Harry can do this research from any nonacademic garage, however, the chances of it getting noticed by Karolinska is less, unless It comes from an Ivy League or an elite European university.


Nobel Prize economics list

Noble prize in Medicine list





