Urban Ride in the Fall
I did a shorter ride today so I stayed within Morgan Hill. This allowed me to see the urban fall colors in neighborhoods, parks, and around industrial areas.
This is just around the corner from our house. The “sidewalk trees” are at their peak of color:

Another example from the neighborhood behind us:

One nice thing cities in California (and I’m sure elsewhere) do is require builders to put one or more parks in depending on the size of the neighborhood. These parks also can help with flood control in heavy rains. The neighborhood behind us is fairly large so it has three parks, one of which is a linear park that serves as a nice walkway. All have good specimens of fall color.

Another nice landscaping feature is to put berms around industrial parks used for grass, trees, and shrubs. The fill for them is readily available from soil that is excavated for the buildings. This is one of my favorites, they put a sandy walking path next to the berm all the way around the facility:

Further along on the same path, but taken from the street:

I usually like to ride around this on the weekends, because on weekdays it can be busy with workers taking walking breaks. But today it was pretty much unoccupied because people had off for thanksgiving.
I toured around the city’s various neighborhoods and parks for about an hour, a very enjoyable ride on a nice day. Morgan hill has a larger community park in addition to the neighborhood parks I’ve described, plus a park at the base of Lake Anderson, and the Coyote Creek trail. And nearby are several county parks and open spaces.
