Weight Loss Workout Plan For 50+ Women



Weight Loss Workout Plan
Here are a few basic tips for creating your personal Weight Loss Workout Plan. Following these tips regularly, you can easily stay in shape even after 50.

Weight Loss Workout Plan For Women Above 50

I am a woman above 50 and due to various hormonal issues have regained weight after losing once. In the post-menopausal phase of my life, I have realized the importance of a regular weight loss workout plan. Women are understanding that it is not just the young women who need to stay fit but also the women post 50 years who need to follow a fitness regime to ensure a better healthy body.

Experts tell us regularly that the workout plan for postmenopausal women should include aerobic, balance, and strength exercise. A good weight loss workout plan for them must aim for a minimum of 150 minutes or two hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic workout each week to build up better endurance.

If you are above 50 years of age and want to get in shape, we share with you a few quick fitness tips.

Work out the way you enjoy the most

If you are the one who has never ever exercised in life or have been out of the habit of regular workouts, then you need to take some time to realize what kind of workout you wish to enjoy the most. Till you find out the right one, begin with going for a 30 minutes walk around the local area. If you have a pet, then the best exercise is to play and walk with it daily.

Walk regularly for half an hour daily

Walking regularly improves cardio fitness and helps in keeping weight under control. Following a routine of regular walks can help in improving mood also. Experts advise walking after 50 because the risk of injury becomes very less. Not only that walking is considered much safer than other aerobic exercises like running, cycling, swimming, and even jogging. There is no equipment required and can be done in any kind of weather. It has added advantage of inhaling fresh air as well as some socializing too.

If you are one like me who loves to walk at home, you can follow Leslie’s walk at home program. It has proven to be beneficial to lots of women of different ages in losing weight and keeping the body flexible.

Lift lightweights

Combining walking with weight training can help women stay in shape after 50. As opposed to the popular belief that women above 50 must not take part in weight lifting, they must lift lightweights. Doing that can stop the fat gain that is a common issue with women of this age. Weight training can be taken up by women at any age. Studies have proven, even women above 70 have built muscles by doing weight training 2 to 3 times a week. But yes, Weight lifting should be done under the expert supervision of a trainer.

Interval training

For overall fitness women above 50 can go for interval training. It is an effective and challenging way to keep weight under control. To begin with, start slowly and stop when you are out of breath. The easiest way for instance is that if you are walking, increase your speed for about 30 seconds and come back to the previous speed. Keep repeating this every five minutes. Do it till you complete 5 thirty-second bursts. Remember while doing any kind of intervals or heavy training keep in mind your health condition. It is important to listen to your body and stop if you are losing breath by overdoing it.

Weight Loss Workout Plan
Here are a few basic tips for creating your personal Weight Loss Workout Plan. Following these tips regularly, you can easily stay in shape even after 50.

Yoga for weight loss

It is a known fact that aging and performing lesser activity can badly affect the core strength of women. Bad core strength can be one of the reasons behind various aches and pains in our body. The core muscles are not just abs but a lot more than just abs because these muscles help us maintain our body balance. It becomes essential to perform an easy core strength workout, to begin with. This workout should be done 3-4 times a week.

These are a few basic tips for creating your personal Weight Loss Workout Plan. Following these tips regularly, you can easily stay in shape even after 50. All that you need is to be determined and having knowledge about the right kind of workouts for your customized needs.

Hope you found some ideas about weight loss and workout plan for women who are above 50 years useful. If you are above 50 and wish to go for an easy workout or walk plan, you can contact us here…

As far as my effort to lose weight is concerned, due to Covid-19, I am scared to go out in the park near my home for a walk but I have recently invested in a good treadmill. Walking on the treadmill daily for one hour in two sessions is helping me to lose a few inches, to begin with. I am also building stamina with a better set of flexible muscles.
