Which is most important component in any medical research paper ?



There are about 30000 scientific journals and two million papers every year. Of which 5000 are in medicine (Ref : World university news)

Now, take a deep breath and answer this query. What do you think is the most important aspect of any scientific or medical research in the current era ?

Which is most important component in any medical research paper ? 1

Final message

With due respect to all researchers, What do you think is the most important aspect of any scientific or medical research?  This query is very much relevant today. All components are equally important is an easy way out. But, that’s not the pathway that will take us to the truth.


Having answered the above question, no way, we can escape from this question –“Which could be the least important component “?

I guess you got it right. In the current scenario, my choice is striking and is sandwiched in the middle of the 7 responses..
